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Transfers Submitter

The conveyor-submitter (transfer submitter) is the rucio daemon in charge of submitting transfers for execution by an external third-party-copy trasfertool. As input, it gets the transfer requests in queued state and performs multiple tasks on them with the end goal of submitting the actual transfer to one or more transfertools.

Historically, submitter was the main entry point into the transfer machinery instead of the preparer. Because of that, many old rucio installations don't run the preparer daemon. To allow running in such configuration, submitter automatically detects if preparer is running and, if it's not running, will perform the "Source replica selection". See the preparer documentation for more details.

The Submitter:

  • (if preparer is not running) selects the source replica
  • computes the path for the selected replica
  • checks transfertool-specific RSE attributes
  • creates intermediate hops for multi-hop transfers
  • generates the full URIs to be used by the transfertool
  • performs the actual submission of the transfer

If the configuration value conveyor/filter_transfertool is set, submitter will only work on transfers having the transfertool attribute set to the correct value. This database field is filled by the preparer, so preparer is required for multi-transfertool deployments.

To verify if a path cen be submitted by any of the transfertools configured in conveyor/transfertool, transfertool-specific RSE attributes are used. For example, the fts3 transfertool requires an fts RSE attribute with a list of fts servers; while the globus transfertool requires the globus_endpoint_id attribute on both source and destination RSE.

If a path can be submitted, all missing hops are created into the database, and submitter goes to the submission step, which is straightforward and consists of calling the transfertool with the correct arguments.