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Policy Packages


Policy packages are separate Python packages that can be used to add experiment-specific customisations to Rucio. They typically customise Rucio's handling of permissions and schema as well as optionally adding their own algorithms for various purposes, such as lfn to pfn conversion and surl construction.

Policy packages may be installed from a Python package repository such as PyPi or they may simply be installed in a local directory. In the latter case this directory will need to be added to the Rucio server's PYTHONPATH environment variable.

The name of the policy package in use is specified by the package value in the policy section of the Rucio configuration file. Alternatively, the package can be specified by the RUCIO_POLICY_PACKAGE environment variable (if both are set, the environment variable takes priority). If no package is specified, a built in generic policy will be used. If a package is specified but cannot be loaded, Rucio will exit with an error.

Multi-VO Rucio installations can load a different policy package for each VO. In this case, the configuration parameter or environment variable name is suffixed with the VO name (for example, package-vo1 or RUCIO_POLICY_PACKAGE_VO1).

The API for policy packages can be found here.

Creating a policy package

The basic elements of a policy package are the following:

  • An file that:
    • indicates the supported Rucio version via the SUPPORTED_VERSION field;
    • indicates the algorithms provided by the package (optional)
  • A module implementing permission customisations (optional).
  • A module implementing schema customization (optional).
  • One or more files for experiment-specific algorithms (optional).

The recommended Python package layouts can be found here. An example src-layout based policy package is as such:

│ pyproject.toml

│ │
│ └───experiment-rucio-policy-package
│ │ # required
│ │ # optional
│ │ # optional
│ │ # optional (deterministic scope translation algorithm)
│ │ # optional (non-deterministic scope translation algorithm)
│ │ ...

SUPPORTED_VERSION should define a str | list[str] called SUPPORTED_VERSION, indicating the version(s) of Rucio that your package supports.

This is checked against the Rucio server version to ensure compatibility when loading the policy package.

From Rucio 36

From Rucio 36, version checking was modified to use PEP-compliant version specifiers.

For example, to specify support for the entire Rucio 36 release line (so 36.1.0, 36.2.0...) without yet supporting Rucio 37, the compatible release operator ~= can be used, as seen below.


Multiple constraints can be specified, either as a string:

SUPPORTED_VERSION = '~=36.0,!=36.4.0'

Or as a list:

SUPPORTED_VERSION = ['~=36.0','!=36.4.0']
Before Rucio 36

On Rucio versions older than 36, only major versions can be specified. This can be done as either a string:


Or as a list, to indicate support for multiple major versions:

SUPPORTED_VERSION = ['34', '35']


The file can also contain an optional function called get_algorithms that returns a dictionary of custom algorithms implemented within the package. In fact, this structure should be a "dictionary of dictionaries" where the outer dictionary contains algorithm types, and each inner dictionary contains all the algorithms provided by the package for that type. Currently supported types are lfn2pfn for generating PFNs for deterministic storage, non_deterministic_pfn for generating PFNs for non-deterministic storage, and scope for scope extraction algorithms. (For backwards compatibility, surl can be used in place of non_deterministic_pfn, however this is not recommended for new policy packages).

Some base algorithm classes depend on schema being loaded. To avoid circular import issues, import the algorithm classes as part of the get_algorithms function, to ensure that schema is loaded first.


def get_algorithms():
from vo_policy_package.non_deterministic_pfn import VONonDeterministicPFNAlgorithm
from vo_policy_package.lfn2pfn import VORSEDeterministicTranslation
from vo_policy_package.scope import VOScopeExtractionAlgorithm
return {
'non_deterministic_pfn': {
'voname_non_deterministic_pfn': VONonDeterministicPFNAlgorithm.construct_non_deterministic_pfn_voname
'lfn2pfn': {
'voname_lfn2pfn': VORSEDeterministicTranslation.lfn2pfn_voname
'scope': {
'voname_extract_scope': VOScopeExtractionAlgorithm.extract_scope_voname

In all cases the names used to register the functions (e.g. voname_extract_scope) must be prefixed with the name of the virtual organisation that owns the policy package, to avoid naming conflicts on multi-VO Rucio installations.

Permission and schema modules

The and modules are optional; an experiment that does not need to customise these modules can omit one or both of them from the policy package and the Rucio generic versions will be used instead. If these modules are required, the easiest way to create them is to modify the generic versions from the Rucio codebase. These can be found in lib/rucio/core/permission/ and lib/rucio/common/schema/ respectively.

The has_permission function in the permission module may return None if your experiment does not implement a custom permission check for a particular action. In this case, the generic permission module will be called for this action instead.

The schema module of a policy package does not need to define all of the schema values. Any missing ones will automatically be loaded from the generic schema module instead.

Policy algorithms

Adding a new algorithm class

The system for registering algorithms within policy packages is intended to be extensible so that new algorithm classes can be added relatively easily. The basic workflow is as follows:

  • The get_algorithms function within the policy package (see above) should return a dictionary of functions of the new class, indexed by name
  • The core Rucio code should maintain a dictionary of functions of the new class, ready to be called when required. The details of this will differ depending on what the new class actually does and how it integrates with the Rucio code, but typically the algorithm name to be used will be selected by a value in the config file, as for the current lfn2pfn and non_deterministic_pfn algorithm types.

lfn2pfn vs. non_deterministic_pfn algorithms

lfn2pfn algorithms and non_deterministic_pfn algorithms are conceptually similar, but there are important differences between them. Both produce a physical filename for use on an RSE, however lfn2pfn algorithms can only be used on deterministic RSEs - for example, disk systems where the appropriate physical filename can be derived from the file's scope and name alone (as well as protocol-specific information for the RSE in question). non_deterministic_pfn algorithms are used on non-deterministic RSEs (most often tape systems), and may use additional information about the file (such as its metadata, any datasets that it is a part of, etc.) to construct the physical filename. Because files cannot be uploaded directly to non-deterministic storage, non_deterministic_pfn algorithms are only ever called for replications, but lfn2pfn algorithms can also be called for initial uploads.

The lfn2pfn algorithm to be used is determined by the lfn2pfn_algorithm attribute of the relevant RSE. If this is not set, the lfn2pfn_algorithm_default value from the [policy] section of the config file is used instead. The non_deterministic_pfn algorithm to be used is determined by the naming_convention attribute of the relevant RSE.

Deploying Policy Packages in containers

It is now common to deploy Rucio using containers managed by software such as Docker and Kubernetes. This section of the documentation is intended to give guidance on how policy packages can be deployed in this type of environment.

Broadly speaking, three things must happen in order for a policy package to be deployed successfully:

  1. The policy package code must be available to the Rucio server (and possibly other components such as daemons).
  2. The directory containing the policy package must be in the server's PYTHONPATH.
  3. The policy package name must be set in the Rucio configuration file, or using the RUCIO_POLICY_PACKAGE environment variable.

Installing the policy package

There are a few possible ways to get the policy package code into the container where the server runs. One way is to build a custom experiment-specific container image based on the generic Rucio server image, and to install the policy package at build time in the Dockerfile, either by directly copying the files in, or by installing it from some sort of repository. For experiments that already customise the container image, this is likely to be the easiest option.

Alternatively, the standard Rucio container can be used and a volume containing the policy package files can be mounted at run time (using the -v or --volume command line flag). When using Kubernetes, there is also a third possibility: use an init container to install the policy package onto a shared volume, which is then mounted by the server container when it starts up.

Adding the policy package to the server's PYTHONPATH

It is possible to set environment variables within the container when starting it (using Docker's -e command line flag). This can be used to set PYTHONPATH, however this will replace the original value rather than appending to it, so there is a risk of removing other important items from the path. A safer option is to override Rucio's script and instead use a script that appends the policy package's directory to PYTHONPATH before starting the HTTP server. This can be done either at build time in the Dockerfile, or at run time using the --entrypoint command line option.

When deploying using Kubernetes and Helm charts, it is possible to specify the policy package directory in the optional_config: section of values.yaml. This is then propagated to the container as an environment variable, which can be added to PYTHONPATH by the entry point script. For example, include this in values.yaml:

policy_pkg_path: /opt/rucio/policy

This will appear in the container's environment as a variable called POLICY_PKG_PATH, which can be added to PYTHONPATH by the entry point script before starting the server:

if [ ! -z "$POLICY_PKG_PATH" ]; then

Specifying the policy package in the configuration file

It is likely that most experiments are already customising the Rucio configuration file, in which case the policy package (package = name in the [policy] section) can simply be added to the existing customised file. Alternatively, the package name can be set in the RUCIO_POLICY_PACKAGE environment variable (see previous section for how to pass environment variables into the server container).

When deploying using Kubernetes and Helm charts, it is possible to specify configuration options in values.yaml. Values included in the config: section of this file are automatically merged into rucio.cfg by the script, so the policy package can be set as:

package: packagename