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Rucio generates several types of notifications, such as for rule state changes, transfer requests, etc. These notifications are primarily useful to other systems for synchronisation purposes, e.g., notifying a workflow management system that a dataset has finished transferring or has been deleted.

Rucio Notifications

The events generated by Rucio are categorized into different event types. Each event type has a different payload.

ContextEvent TypePayload example
While adding a DID, if the DID type is a ContainerCREATE_CNT{'account': 'ruciouser', 'scope': 'data', 'name': '', 'expired_at': '2023-07-05 14:51:55.378549' or None}
While adding a DID, if the DID type is a DataSetCREATE_DTS{'account': 'ruciouser', 'scope': 'data', 'name': '', 'expired_at': '2023-07-05 14:51:55.378549' or None}
Submit transfer requests on destination RSEs for data identifiers.transfer_status{'request-id': '414ac0cd34844a03a184ce4b0f640dd1', 'request-type': 'transfer', 'scope': 'data', 'name': '', 'dst-rse-id': '207228dfe3b246ab9d8b199c8358e864', 'dst-rse': 'TESTRSE', 'state': 'QUEUED', 'retry-count': 2, 'rule-id': '8f06b8ede5024e9fb8c1aa4d761627f0', 'activity': 'User Subscription', 'file-size': 1000000, 'bytes': 1000000,'checksum-md5': '9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6', 'checksum-adler': '08880271', 'queued_at': '2023-07-05 14:51:55.378549'}
Schedule removal of the entry from the DIDs tableINCOMPLETE-
Delete empty DIDs where the DIDType is DATASETERASE{'scope': 'data', 'name': '','account': 'root'}
When the replication rule transitioning into OK_STATE for DIDs which are closedRULE_OK{'scope': 'data','name': '','rule_id': '18432d3c5aad43e3a4ed10ff61e5d1ce','progress': 30,'vo': 'testvo'}
For replication replication rule, for each 10% of progressRULE_PROGRESS{'scope': 'data','name': '','rule_id': '18432d3c5aad43e3a4ed10ff61e5d1ce','progress': 30,'vo': 'testvo'}
When the replication rule transitioning into OK_STATE for each DATASET covered by the ruleDATASETLOCK_OK{'scope': 'data','name': '','rse': 'TESTRSE', 'rse_id': '3ddb29c028574f7288595711bc83f3e6''vo': 'testvo'}
When a transfer has been completedtransfer-done{'scope': 'data','name': '', 'src-rse': 'TESTRSE', 'dst-rse': 'TESTRSE', 'activity': 'User Subscription', 'request-id': None, 'transfer-id': None, 'created_at': '2023-07-05 14:51:55.378549', 'transferred_at': '2023-07-05 14:51:55.378549'}
When a transfer has been failtransfer-failed{'scope': 'data','name': '', 'src-rse': 'TESTRSE', 'dst-rse': 'TESTRSE', 'activity': 'User Subscription', 'request-id': None, 'transfer-id': None, 'created_at': '2023-07-05 14:51:55.378549', 'transferred_at': '2023-07-05 14:51:55.378549'}
When a deletion has been successfuldeletion-done{'scope': 'data','name': '', 'rse': 'TESTRSE','request-id': None, 'url': None,'bytes': 1000000, 'created_at': '2023-07-05 14:51:55.378549'}
When a deletion has been faildeletion-failed{'scope': 'data','name': '', 'rse': 'TESTRSE','request-id': None, 'url': None,'bytes': 1000000, 'created_at': '2023-07-05 14:51:55.378549'}