usage: rucio-oauth-manager [-h] [--max-rows MAX_ROWS] [--loop-rate LOOP_RATE]
[--run-once] [--threads THREADS]
[--sleep-time SLEEP_TIME]
OAuth Manager is a daemon which is responsible for: - deletion of expired
access tokens (in case there is a valid refresh token, expired access tokens
will be kept until refresh_token expires as well.) - deletion of expired OAuth
session parameters - refreshing access tokens via their refresh tokens. These
3 actions run consequently one after another in a loop with a sleeptime of
'looprate' seconds. The maximum number of DB rows (tokens, parameters, refresh
tokens) on which the script will operate can be specified by 'maxrows'
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--max-rows MAX_ROWS Max number of DB rows to deal with per operation.
--loop-rate LOOP_RATE
OBSOLETE, USE --sleep-time INSTEAD. The number of
seconds the daemon will wait before running next loop
of operations.
--run-once One iteration only.
--threads THREADS Concurrency control: total number of threads for this
--sleep-time SLEEP_TIME
The number of seconds the daemon will wait before
running next loop of operations.