usage: rucio-dumper [-h] [--fields FIELDS | --hide HIDE | --group-by GROUP_BY]
[--sum SUM]
[--csv | --csv-nohead | --tabulate {asciidoc,double_grid,double_outline,fancy_grid,fancy_outline,github,grid,heavy_grid,heavy_outline,html,jira,latex,latex_booktabs,latex_longtable,latex_raw,mediawiki,mixed_grid,mixed_outline,moinmoin,orgtbl,outline,pipe,plain,presto,pretty,psql,rounded_grid,rounded_outline,rst,simple,simple_grid,simple_outline,textile,tsv,unsafehtml,youtrack}]
This daemon is responsible to make file list dumps. The rucio-auditor daemon
use these dumps to discover dark data and check Rucio database consistency.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--fields FIELDS Comma separated list of fields that should be printed
--hide HIDE Comma separated list of fields that should not be
--group-by GROUP_BY Group records, according to the the indicated fields
--sum SUM Summatory of the values of the given fields (only
numerical fields and should be used in combination
with --group-by)
--csv Format the output as a CSV with headers
--csv-nohead Format the output as a CSV without headers (default)
--tabulate {asciidoc,double_grid,double_outline,fancy_grid,fancy_outline,github,grid,heavy_grid,heavy_outline,html,jira,latex,latex_booktabs,latex_longtable,latex_raw,mediawiki,mixed_grid,mixed_outline,moinmoin,orgtbl,outline,pipe,plain,presto,pretty,psql,rounded_grid,rounded_outline,rst,simple,simple_grid,simple_outline,textile,tsv,unsafehtml,youtrack}
Format the output as a table (printing large tables
can take several minutes)
dump data FIXME
dump-datasets List the dump of all datasets for a given RSE
List the dump of all complete datasets for a given RSE
dump-replicas List the dump of all replicas for a given RSE
consistency Consistency check to verify possible lost files and
dark data (replica dumps are downloaded automatically)
consistency-manual Consistency check to verify possible lost files and
dark data (replica dumps should be provided by the