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Developing the WebUI Frontend

Notes on external frameworks

The Rucio WebUI frontend uses two main frameworks: TailwindCSS and React. Both have excellent documentations, which I will not attempt to replace with these notes. Instead, I will extend them and concretise them with the focus on the Rucio WebUI frontend and the design that it entails.

Nonetheless, I will do a quick rundown of the most important and most frequently used aspects of both frameworks in order to save a new developer time. In the end, I will also introduce StorybookJS, which is our tool to visualise the individual tools of our website.


We use React as our frontend JavaScript framework. It is essentially a tool for building UI components.


The building-blocks of our webpages are React Components. The webpages themselves are React Components themselves. Individual components can be composed with each other to produce more complex components, in the sense that a button component can be used to populate a widget which is then used in a page.


The Rucio WebUI is written in TypeScript. In these docs, JavaScript and TypeScript might be used interchangeably.

These components JavaScript functions which return HTML code. We use .tsx files, which mean that HTML markup and TypeScript code can be used in the same file. This can take the following shape:

export const H1: React.FC<JSX.IntrinsicElements["h1"]> = (
{ ...props }
) => {
const { children, className, ...otherprops } = props;
return (
// handled later

Several things are going on here. The overall structure, however, is that of an arrow function () => {} returning an HTML tag of the shape <h1>something</h1> is defined and assigned to const H1. The arrow function is typed, this will be handled later.


In TSX, HTML markup is inserted into TypeScript after a return statement. TypeScript is inserted into HTML when wrapped in {}. VS Code does proper syntax highlighting, which will help out.

This function can now be imported and called in the following way:

<H1>Hello world!</H1>
// more or less equal to
<h1>Hello world!</h1>

When using React components, take note of the following:

  • Custom components must start with a capital letter.
  • You must return only one top-level HTML tag. You may nest other tags within this one.
  • React components can nest other react components. They must ultimately resolve to HTML, though.

In our components, we usually make sure to typecast the functions as React Function Components. These can in turn be cast to take the attributes of a specific HTML tag, which is chosen to be the top-level HTML tag returned.

In the following example, we define a type TextInputProps which combines the attributes of the <input>-tag (all of which are optional) with the onEnterkey? attribute (the ? signifies that this is an optional attribute). The resulting component can take any of these attributes.

Note that the ...props syntax simply means that any parameters <TextInput foo bar/> passed to the component that are not onEnterkey are swallowed by the props object.

type TextInputProps = JSX.IntrinsicElements["input"] & {
onEnterkey?: (event: any) => void,

export const TextInput: (
) = (
) => {
// shown in next code example

Typing our components this way means that we can easily extend standard HTML tags, while keeping all of their original functionality (i.e. the way they deal with attributes passed to them) without the need to implement each attribute ourselves.


These attributes are referred to as content attributes and it is a very good idea to get acquainted with the different attributes that can be assigned to the different HTML tags. We will cover some examples in the next section. You can find more information here:

Finally, you can pass these attributes into the component state (usually done with components that render pages), or pass them into the sub-components that make up the component. The latter is what happens in the following code block, which is taken from TextInput again:

// unpack props props to be handled individually and otherprops
const { children, onKeyDown, ...otherprops } = props
return (
onKeyDown={(e) => {
if (e.key === "Enter") {
// `?.()`-syntax used because onEnterkey could be undefined
// could also be undefined
{...otherprops} // unpack otherprops here
// pass the content between <input></input> in here

In the previous example, a native HTML tag has been enriched by the onKeyDown function by a special onEnterkey functionality. In all other ways, the new component is the same as the included, standard <input> tag.



React will rename some of the component attributes. An example of this is the className-attribute, which replaces the native HTML keyword class. This is done to prevent namespace clashes.


A more detailed description of how we style our components will follow in the Tailwind-section. The important concept is that we assign classes to each component, and these classes are then used as selectors to apply certain styles to the the component. Classes are assigned to the className attribute as space-separated strings.

className="text-xl font-serif"

We often make use of the twMerge function. This function swallows all string arguments and returns a single class string. Importantly, classes added later may override those added before them, which is not the case when we do not use twMerge. An example of this is seen in the followin code-block.

"flex flex-col sm:flex-row",
"list-none font-bold",
"bg-white dark:bg-gray-900",
"border-0 dark:border-2 dark:rounded-md dark:bg-clip-content",
className ?? "", // optionally add classes to override what came before

It is a good idea to use twMerge wherever the class definition contains conditionals, overrides, or is so long that it would span multiple lines.


The highest-level components produced in the frontend are the pages. Remember that a component is a function that returns HTML. The input of these functions can be quite complex, especially for the highest-level components, which combine a lot of data from different sources.

In the following example, we define an interface for the ListDID page. Note that input to the page is given in the form of a ViewModel (DIDViewModel, DIDMetaViewModel), while the functions are for the page to communicate to deeper-lying components.

export interface ListDIDPageProps {
comdom: UseComDOM<DIDViewModel>, // this ViewModel comes in a stream, more later.
didQuery: (query: string, type: DIDType) => void,
didMetaQuery: (scope: string, name: string) => void,
didMetaQueryResponse: DIDMetaViewModel,

export const ListDID = (
props: ListDIDPageProps
) => {
// ...

We do not want the frontend to handle any fetches or streams itself, hence the functions didQuery and didMetaQuery (which start a stream and query metadata, respectively) are defined outside of the component and only passed to it. It also means that the page can be run even without a backend attached to it, we simply replace these functions with dummies (and the ViewModels with fake data).


ARIA stands for Accessible Rich Internet Applications and defines the standard for how to make a web application accessible to users that are somehow impaired. One way of making the website more accessible is the conscious inclusion of ARIA-attributes.

A simple but common example would be adding an ARIA-label to an element which would otherwise only be described by an icon/glyph. Note that screen-readers give priority to semantic <label>-elements over aria-label. In the following example, however, adding such an element would not be practical.

icon={<HiChevronDoubleLeft />}
aria-label="First Page"
// ...

Do not overuse the ARIA-attributes. By using semantic HTML, many of these attributes will already be filled in correctly.


Hooks are reusable functions. They all start with use.


Add a state variable to the component, i.e.

const [state, setState] = useState<TypeOfState>(initialState)

The signature of this hook is useEffect(setup, dependencies?), where setup is the function run when any value in the dependencies list changes. The values in the dependencies list can be thought of as reactive, because if any one of them changes, the setup function is called as a reaction.

Importantly, when the dependencies list is empty, the setup function is only run once after the initial render. Since useEffect is only run on the client, this is a very useful way of running code (seemingly) on page load, but client-side. An example of this would be fetching additional metadata. An example of this can be seen here:

useEffect(() => {
}, [])

In this case, the function didMetaQueryBase returns a value of type Promise<DIDMetaViewModel>. Learn about Promise in TypeScript, and how to deal with it, here


Note that passing no dependency array at all will lead to the Effect running after every single render of the component!


This is a custom hook returning a UseComDOM<T> (Communication Document Object Model) object. It serves as a wrapper for streamed data, also providing functions to inspect and control the stream. It is a generic which is bound to type T, which itself is usually a ViewModel. The useComDOM-hook is most strongly associated with the StreamedTables, whose documentation can be found here.


The website is designed to be responsive, this means that there are several breakpoints at which the assigned styles can change during window resizing. In most cases, this is by Tailwind, our CSS framework. In some cases, you want access to the window width class (small, medium, etc.) from within your code in order to manipulate components programmatically. An example of this is the visibility of columns in StreamedTables, which is defined in a TableStyling object.

This custom hook implements a window resize event listener and exposes the following object:

return {
sm: windowSize[0] > 640,
md: windowSize[0] > 768,
lg: windowSize[0] > 1024,
xl: windowSize[0] > 1280,
xxl: windowSize[0] > 1536,
} as ResponsiveHook

The width classes in pixels correspond to those defined by Tailwind.


Tailwind is the CSS framework which we use to style our components. Instead of writing CSS directly, we assign classes to components via the className attribute. These classes act as selectors for the stylesheet to selectively assign styles to specific components. The main concept is that Tailwind consists of many utility classes which, by themselves, only contribute a small amount of style information (e.g. the background colour, the display mode, etc.). Many Tailwind classes map directly to a CSS attribute. In adding multiple classes, we can iteratively build complex styles from these basic building blocks.


The philosophy is to build all styles from these common basic building blocks, and to avoid creating a new custom styles grouping these basic classes into more complex ones. While it might seem smart to collect a frequently-reused set of classes into one larger one, this is actually a Tailwind-antipattern in most cases.

An example of this in action would be the custom Button created for the WebUI project. In the simplified version shown in the following code-block, the twMerge-function introduced in the section on the className-attribute was used to compile multiple strings into a single one that could be used by the component. Importantly, we can use code (such as the ternary operator) to specify branching logic that returns us the style. In this case, branching logic is used to style the button depending on whether it is disabled or enabled.

"py-1 px-3 h-8 rounded", // style the button shape
"bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 text-white", // style button colours
props.disabled ? (
// show this style if disabled
"cursor-not-allowed bg-gray-500 hover:bg-gray-500 text-gray-200"
: "cursor-pointer" // show this style if enabled
"font-bold", // style text
className ?? "" // optionally override all this

We will cover how we conventionally structure the contents of className and twMerge. We will also discuss dark mode and responsive desgin as examples of metaclasses, but we strongly encourage you to work through the Tailwind documentation, which is full of examples and very helpful. In addition, it is a good idea to look at external resources to fully understand the flexbox and other display models in HTML.

Structuring Class Names, Overriding

When adding Tailwind classes to a component, it is useful to ask the following questions in order:

  1. What are the dimensions of this component?
  2. What space do you want around the element's border (margin), and how much space do you want between the element's border and its content (padding)?
  3. Considering the border of the component. Should it be rounded, should the border be visible, how thick/which colour shall the border line have?
  4. What is the background colour of this component?
  5. If the component directly contains text, how shall this text be styled?
  6. If the component is a container for several child components, how shall these be arranged? (Consider reading up on flex, grid, etc.)
  7. If the component is within a flexbox, how shall it respond to resizing? (grow, shrink, etc.)
  8. Which style of cursor should be displayed when the cursor enters the component?
  9. Do you need to override any of these styles depending on external props? Remember that you can use branching logic within the classname definitions and that later classes override previous ones.
  10. Consider dark mode and override previous classes with the dark:-prefix.
  11. Consider different window sizes and create a responsive component by using the size-prefixes sm:, md:, lg:, etc.
  12. Consider other necessary overrides with any of the other Tailwind-pseudoclasses.

In general, we attempt to structure the contents of twMerge this way, but it might make more sense for you to group your classnames in a different manner.

As touched on in the above listing, Tailwind has the concept of pseudoclasses to optionally only enable a certain selector when a precondition is given. A metaclass will override the vanilla class (even without twMerge). For example, a component with classes bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 will turn a darker shade of blue when the mouse cursor comes to hover over it.


Also look at the reference for Tailwind-pseudoclasses.

Responsive Design

Most of the pseudoclasses are straightforward, nevertheless, we want to give a short introduction to responsive design with Tailwind. The way Tailwind handles the pseudoclasses responding to changes in page width might be unintuitive at first, since Tailwind is designed "mobile first". In essence, a prefix adds a minimum size, above which the style is applied. For example, the string w-full md:w-24 will apply the w-full-class when the page width is below the threshold for md.

The table below serves as a reference for the size thresholds used in Tailwind. These sizings are also used throughout the whole project.

PrefixMinimum size [px]

Use the useResponsiveHook to do conditional resizing (such as in StreamedTables, where Tailwind is difficult to use). It combines an EventListener and all these thresholds into a reusable hook.

Compiling Tailwind

Tailwind compiles the minimal stylesheet required to use all the classes defined in the project. The stylesheet is then automatically loaded by the relevant NextJS components and made available in every page of the WebUI. You can find the compiled stylesheet under src/component-library/outputtailwind.css, where it lives at the top-level folder of the component-library with the other components. Tailwind can be configured via the src/component-library/tailwind.css and the tailwind.config.js file in the root folder, see the Tailwind docs for more information on this.

When you want to recompile Tailwind, you can run npm run build-tailwind, which takes tailwind.css and outputs outputtailwind.css. If you followed the tutorial laid out here, you will have configured VS Code to automatically recompile Tailwind each time you save a relevant file. We strongly recommend this.

Any changes to the outputtailwind.css-file will immediately become visible on the StorybookJS-viewer or on a NextJS dev server. This allows for rapid prototyping and quick changes.


You can define additional regex matchers for the Tailwind compiler to use to match classNames. These are defined in tailwind.config.js under module.exports.content.files.extract.


StorybookJS is calls itself a "frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation". Importantly, it allows us to view our React components, interact with them and also play around with their inputs. This allows us to have direct access from the smallest components (such as text, buttons, inputs) up to the most complex pages. A further usecase is for demonstrations, as well as testing dark mode and responsive design.

Each component in the src/component-library-folder has an associated story, i.e.

$ ls src/component-library/Pages/RSE
> ListRSE.tsx
> ListRSE.stories.tsx
> PageRSE.tsx
> PageRSE.stories.tsx

Inside each of these stories lies code which returns the associated component wrapped within a Storybook Function. This function is irrelevant to us. Importantly, we can pass arguments to the component, essentially inserting mock or fake data. These inputs serve as defaults for Storybook, one can also manipulate these inputs from within the Storybook web interface. We can also pass in mock functions if this is required, these cannot be manipulated from the web interface.


Use the create-component-story tool (found within the tools-folder) to rapidly create a new dummy component together with its story. You might need to change the value of title in the default export.

An example of how arguments are passed into a storybook function can be seen in the following code block. Fixtures and the mockUseComDOM-function will be explained below.

PageDID.args = {
didMeta: fixtureDIDMetaViewModel(),
fromDidList: "yosearch",
// Parent DIDs [FILE]
didParentsComDOM: mockUseComDOM(
// create array of length 100, populate with fake DIDViewModel objects
Array.from({length: 100}, (_, i) => fixtureDIDViewModel())


We make use of many kinds of fixtures to insert mock data into our stories. The fixtures can be found in test/fixtures/table-fixtures.ts, where each ViewModel used in the frontend has a function that returns a mock version of it. A bunch of utility functions can be found in this file, which can help in creating the mock fixture.


The table-fixtures.ts-file contains a fixture which deserves to be mentioned by itself: the mockUseComDOM-function, which takes a list of datapoints of type T and then mocks the UseComDOM<T> object. This ComDOM-object can then be passed on to StreamedTables. Since the relevant attributes and methods that the StreamedTable accesses are all fully mocked, this function allows you to show StreamedTables with mock data and interfacing even when no backend is connected.


Note that these random fixtures do not work well with the NextJS Dev Server, which will raise Hydration Errors. This is because the page rendered on the server does not match the first render of the page on the client (because both use random fixture generators). However, you can choose to ignore the Hydration Errors for the time being.