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Using the Admin Client

Rucio provides a CLI for administrative tasks. The get methods can be executed by any user, but the set methods require some admin privileges. See the rucio-admin help page. The command line client for administrative tasks is called rucio-admin.

Getting help

To get an overview of the available rucio-admin subcommands and flags, run:

rucio-admin --help

Enable command line autocompletion

If you would like to automatically complete rucio-admin commands, install the argcomplete package and run:

eval "$(register-python-argcomplete rucio-admin)"

Next, type rucio-admin (note the trailing space) and press the

Tab key to see all available options. To use the autocompletion feature, type enough letters of a subcommand or flag to uniquely define it and then press Tab.

Account and identity methods

To create a new account:

  $ rucio-admin account add --type USER --email jdoe

You can choose different types in the list USER, GROUP, SERVICE. Different policies/permissions can be set depending on the account type. Once the account is created, you need to create and attach an identity to this account:

  $ rucio-admin identity add --type X509 \
--id "CN=jdoe,OU=Users,OU=Organic Units,DC=blih,DC=blah" \
--email --account jdoe

The list of possible identity types is X509, GSS, USERPASS, SSH:

  $ rucio-admin account list-identities jdoe
Identity: CN=jdoe,OU=Users,OU=Organic Units,DC=blih,DC=blah, type: X509

You can set attributes to the users:

  $ rucio-admin account add-attribute --key country --value xyz jdoe

And list these attributes:

  $ rucio-admin account list-attributes jdoe
| Key | Value |
| country | xyz |

You can also list all the accounts matching a certain attribute using the filter option:

  $ rucio-admin account list --filters "country=xyz"

To set the quota for one account on a given RSE:

  $ rucio-admin account set-limits jdoe SITE2_SCRATCH 10000000000000
Set account limit for account jdoe on RSE SITE2_SCRATCH: 10.000 TB
$ rucio-admin account get-limits dcameron SITE2_SCRATCH
Quota on SITE2_SCRATCH for jdoe : 10 TB

Scope methods

To create a new scope:

  $ rucio-admin scope add --account jdoe --scope user.jdoe

Only the owner of the scope or privileged users can write into the scope.

To list all the scopes:

  $ rucio-admin scope list

RSE methods

To create a new RSE:

  $ rucio-admin rse add SITE2_SCRATCH

To add a RSE attribute:

  $ rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse SITE2_SCRATCH --key country --value xyz

To check an RSE attribute:

  $ rucio-admin rse get-attribute SITE2_SCRATCH
country: xyz

Replica methods

To declare bad (i.e. corrupted or lost replicas):

  $ rucio-admin replicas declare-bad --reason "File corrupted" https//path/to/lost/file