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Initialises the basic settings for an UploadClient object


_client: - Optional: rucio.client.client.Client object. If None, a new object will be created.

logger: - Optional: logging.Logger object. If None, default logger will be used.



items: List of dictionaries. Each dictionary describing a file to upload. Keys: path - path of the file that will be uploaded rse - rse expression/name (e.g. 'CERN-PROD_DATADISK') where to upload the file did_scope - Optional: custom did scope (Default: user.\<account>) did_name - Optional: custom did name (Default: name of the file) dataset_scope - Optional: custom dataset scope dataset_name - Optional: custom dataset name dataset_meta - Optional: custom metadata for dataset impl - Optional: name of the protocol implementation to be used to upload this item. force_scheme - Optional: force a specific scheme (if PFN upload this will be overwritten) (Default: None) pfn - Optional: use a given PFN (this sets no_register to True, and no_register becomes mandatory) no_register - Optional: if True, the file will not be registered in the rucio catalogue register_after_upload - Optional: if True, the file will be registered after successful upload lifetime - Optional: the lifetime of the file after it was uploaded transfer_timeout - Optional: time after the upload will be aborted guid - Optional: guid of the file recursive - Optional: if set, parses the folder structure recursively into collections

summary_file_path: Optional: a path where a summary in form of a json file will be stored

traces_copy_out: reference to an external list, where the traces should be uploaded

ignore_availability: ignore the availability of a RSE

activity: the activity set to the rule if no dataset is specified


InputValidationError: if any input arguments are in a wrong format

RSEWriteBlocked: if a given RSE is not available for writing

NoFilesUploaded: if no files were successfully uploaded

NotAllFilesUploaded: if not all files were successfully uploaded


0 on success


Finds the optimum protocol impl preferred by the client and

supported by the remote RSE.


rse_settings: dictionary containing the RSE settings

domain: The network domain, either 'wan' (default) or 'lan'


RucioException(msg): general exception with msg for more details.