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Initialises the basic settings for an DownloadClient object


client: Optional: rucio.client.client.Client object. If None, a new object will be created.

external_traces: Optional: reference to a list where traces can be added

logger: Optional: logging.Logger object. If None, default logger will be used.


Download items with a given PFN. This function can only download files, no datasets.


items: List of dictionaries. Each dictionary describing a file to download. Keys: pfn - PFN string of this file did - DID string of this file (e.g. ''). Wildcards are not allowed rse - rse name (e.g. 'CERN-PROD_DATADISK'). RSE Expressions are not allowed base_dir - Optional: Base directory where the downloaded files will be stored. (Default: '.') no_subdir - Optional: If true, files are written directly into base_dir. (Default: False) adler32 - Optional: The adler32 checmsum to compare the downloaded files adler32 checksum with md5 - Optional: The md5 checksum to compare the downloaded files md5 checksum with transfer_timeout - Optional: Timeout time for the download protocols. (Default: None) check_local_with_filesize_only - Optional: If true, already downloaded files will not be validated by checksum.

num_threads: Suggestion of number of threads to use for the download. It will be lowered if it's too high.

trace_custom_fields: Custom key value pairs to send with the traces

traces_copy_out: reference to an external list, where the traces should be uploaded

deactivate_file_download_exceptions: Boolean, if file download exceptions shouldn't be raised


InputValidationError: if one of the input items is in the wrong format

NoFilesDownloaded: if no files could be downloaded

NotAllFilesDownloaded: if not all files could be downloaded

RucioException: if something unexpected went wrong during the download


a list of dictionaries with an entry for each file, containing the input options, the did, and the clientState clientState can be one of the following: ALREADY_DONE, DONE, FILE_NOT_FOUND, FAIL_VALIDATE, FAILED


Download items with given DIDs. This function can also download datasets and wildcarded DIDs.


items: List of dictionaries. Each dictionary describing an item to download. Keys: did - DID string of this file (e.g. '') filters - Filter to select DIDs for download. Optional if DID is given rse - Optional: rse name (e.g. 'CERN-PROD_DATADISK') or rse expression from where to download impl - Optional: name of the protocol implementation to be used to download this item. no_resolve_archives - Optional: bool indicating whether archives should not be considered for download (Default: False) resolve_archives - Deprecated: Use no_resolve_archives instead force_scheme - Optional: force a specific scheme to download this item. (Default: None) base_dir - Optional: base directory where the downloaded files will be stored. (Default: '.') no_subdir - Optional: If true, files are written directly into base_dir. (Default: False) nrandom - Optional: if the DID addresses a dataset, nrandom files will be randomly choosen for download from the dataset ignore_checksum - Optional: If true, skips the checksum validation between the downloaded file and the rucio catalouge. (Default: False) transfer_timeout - Optional: Timeout time for the download protocols. (Default: None) transfer_speed_timeout - Optional: Minimum allowed transfer speed (in KBps). Ignored if transfer_timeout set. Otherwise, used to compute default timeout (Default: 500) check_local_with_filesize_only - Optional: If true, already downloaded files will not be validated by checksum.

num_threads: Suggestion of number of threads to use for the download. It will be lowered if it's too high.

trace_custom_fields: Custom key value pairs to send with the traces.

traces_copy_out: reference to an external list, where the traces should be uploaded

deactivate_file_download_exceptions: Boolean, if file download exceptions shouldn't be raised

sort: Select best replica by replica sorting algorithm. Available algorithms: geoip - based on src/dst IP topographical distance closeness - based on src/dst closeness dynamic - Rucio Dynamic Smart Sort (tm)


InputValidationError: if one of the input items is in the wrong format

NoFilesDownloaded: if no files could be downloaded

NotAllFilesDownloaded: if not all files could be downloaded

RucioException: if something unexpected went wrong during the download


a list of dictionaries with an entry for each file, containing the input options, the did, and the clientState

Download items using a given metalink file.


item: dictionary describing an item to download. Keys: base_dir - Optional: base directory where the downloaded files will be stored. (Default: '.') no_subdir - Optional: If true, files are written directly into base_dir. (Default: False) ignore_checksum - Optional: If true, skips the checksum validation between the downloaded file and the rucio catalouge. (Default: False) transfer_timeout - Optional: Timeout time for the download protocols. (Default: None) check_local_with_filesize_only - Optional: If true, already downloaded files will not be validated by checksum.

num_threads: Suggestion of number of threads to use for the download. It will be lowered if it's too high.

trace_custom_fields: Custom key value pairs to send with the traces.

traces_copy_out: reference to an external list, where the traces should be uploaded

deactivate_file_download_exceptions: Boolean, if file download exceptions shouldn't be raised


InputValidationError: if one of the input items is in the wrong format

NoFilesDownloaded: if no files could be downloaded

NotAllFilesDownloaded: if not all files could be downloaded

RucioException: if something unexpected went wrong during the download


a list of dictionaries with an entry for each file, containing the input options, the did, and the clientState


Uses aria2c to download the items with given DIDs. This function can also download datasets and wildcarded DIDs.

It only can download files that are available via https/davs. Aria2c needs to be installed and X509_USER_PROXY needs to be set!


items: List of dictionaries. Each dictionary describing an item to download. Keys: did - DID string of this file (e.g. ''). Wildcards are not allowed rse - Optional: rse name (e.g. 'CERN-PROD_DATADISK') or rse expression from where to download base_dir - Optional: base directory where the downloaded files will be stored. (Default: '.') no_subdir - Optional: If true, files are written directly into base_dir. (Default: False) nrandom - Optional: if the DID addresses a dataset, nrandom files will be randomly choosen for download from the dataset ignore_checksum - Optional: If true, skips the checksum validation between the downloaded file and the rucio catalouge. (Default: False) check_local_with_filesize_only - Optional: If true, already downloaded files will not be validated by checksum.

trace_custom_fields: Custom key value pairs to send with the traces

filters: dictionary containing filter options

deactivate_file_download_exceptions: Boolean, if file download exceptions shouldn't be raised

sort: Select best replica by replica sorting algorithm. Available algorithms: geoip - based on src/dst IP topographical distance closeness - based on src/dst closeness dynamic - Rucio Dynamic Smart Sort (tm)


InputValidationError: if one of the input items is in the wrong format

NoFilesDownloaded: if no files could be downloaded

NotAllFilesDownloaded: if not all files could be downloaded

RucioException: if something went wrong during the download (e.g. aria2c could not be started)


a list of dictionaries with an entry for each file, containing the input options, the did, and the clientState


Finds the optimum protocol impl preferred by the client and

supported by the remote RSE.


sources: List of sources for a given DID


RucioException(msg): general exception with msg for more details.